
CORANO 2:191 - ''Uccideteli ovunque li incontriate...'' SPIEGATO

CORANO 2:191 - ''Uccideteli ovunque li incontriate...'' SPIEGATO

A nome di Dio, il Compassionevole, il Misericordioso.

Corano: 190. Combattete per la causa di Allah contro coloro che vi combattono, ma senza eccessi, ché Allah non ama coloro che eccedono.
191. Uccideteli ovunque li incontriate, e scacciateli da dove vi hanno scacciati: la persecuzione è peggiore dell'omicidio. Ma non attaccateli vicino alla Santa Moschea, fino a che essi non vi abbiano aggredito. Se vi assalgono, uccideteli. Questa è la ricompensa dei miscredenti. 192. Se però cessano, allora Allah è perdonatore, misericordioso. 193. Combatteteli finché non ci sia più persecuzione e il culto sia [reso solo] ad Allah. Se desistono, non ci sia ostilità, a parte contro coloro che prevaricano. 194. Mese sacro per mese sacro e per ogni cosa proibita un contrappasso. Aggredite solamente coloro che vi aggrediscono. Temete Allah e sappiate che Allah è con coloro che Lo temono. 195. Siate generosi sul sentiero di Allah, non gettatevi da soli nella perdizione, e fate il bene, Allah ama coloro che compiono il bene.

(Per Santa Moschea si intende La Mecca)

E' importante che la persona che legge un versetto Coranico lo legga per intero e nel suo contesto. Come forse tu sai, gli islamofobici leggono e criticano solo il versetto n.191, isolando il resto. Dal versetto 190 a 195 si puo' capire perfettamente che Dio mette in evidenza il fatto che si debba combattere solamente gli aggressori. Chiamasi Auto-difesa.

Un'altra importante cosa che alcuni amano fare, e' cambiare il significato delle parole in arabo a loro piacimento. Per esempio, la parola araba ''fitna'' usata in 2:191 e 2:193 viene cambiata e tradotta come ''disbeliefs''. Quindi, quando il versetto viene letto con questa prospettiva, il passaggio e' l'implemento di un presunto obbligo di combattere i non-credenti, solo per colpa della loro religione. Quindi, se analizzata cosi come Magdi Allam e compagni vogliono, si potrebbero raccontare le piu' terrificanti bugie sul versetto.

La parola araba ''fitna'' significa corruzione, persecuzione, sedizione. In questo caso, ovvero nei versetti 191 e 193, essa significa persecuzione. 

Traduzione non musulmana di Arthur Jhon Arberry (inglese):
2:191 And slay them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if they fight you, slay them — such is the recompense of unbelievers.

AHAHAHAHAH, bene. Per prima cosa, miscredente in arabo si dice kafir che viene da kufr (miscredulita').

Eccovi la definizione della parola Fitna:

Associate Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies Hayrettin Yücesoy scrive:
“One of the most frequently mentioned portents of the end of time in Muslim prophecies is civil disorder, fitna. Yet contrary to what one might expect, in none of the many instances in which the term fitna (civil disorder) is mentioned in the Quran is it connected to end of time events. In the Qur’anic text, fitna refers to a sort of trial: “And know that your wealth and your children are a trial [fitna], and that with God is a mighty wage.” In other verses, the term connotes discord, controversy, and dissension: “As for those in whose hearts is swerving, they follow the ambiguous part, desiring dissension [fitna], and seeking to explain it; and none knows its meaning, save only God.” Fitna may also mean seduction: “Children of Adan! Let not satan tempt, [v. yaftatin], you as he brought your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments to show them their shameful parts.” On other occasions, it describes chaos and civil disorder: “As for the unbelievers, they are friends one of another. Unless you do this, there will be strife [fitna] in the land and great corruption.” Finally it refers to plotting and acts of conspiracy: “Had they gone forth among you, they would only have increased you in trouble, and run to and fro in your midst, seeking to stir up sedition [fitna] between you; and some of you would listen to them; and God knows the evildoers.” A similar meaning is given in the following verses, where conspiracy against the community and its social and religious status quo is condemned: Persecution [fitna] is more grievous than slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then if they fight you, slay them- such is the recompose of unbelievers.” Even the ban on fighting during the holy months is lifted in cases of the greater danger of persecution: “Fighting in it is a heinous thing, but to bar from God’s way, and disbelief in him, and the Holy Mosque, and to expel its people from it- that is more heinous in God’s sight; and persecution [fitna] is more heinous than slaying.”

Ibn Kathir dice nel suo Tafsir:
“Concerning the verse “If two groups of believers fall to fighting” Q. 49.9) and “fight against them until there is no ‘fitnah’” (Q.2:193), he answered: “We done all this in the time of Prophet. At that time, we came minority so that a Moslem was be faced by fitnah in his religion, either he would be killed or would be the victim of oppression. When the Moslem community grows as powerful adherents, killing oppression has gone.” Based on this argument, we can conclude that ‘fitnah’ should be defined as any oppression or forcing Moslem to do or not to do something against his rights as human being; all this being ratio legis or cause to proclaim fight against oppressor or those who want to kill them.”

Arabic-English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage. Elsaid M. Badawi and Muhammad Abdel Haleem:
“f-t-n to purify gold and silver by smelting them; to burn; to put to the test, to afflict (in particular as a means of testing someone’s endurance); to disrupt the peace of a community; to tempt, to seduce, to allure, to infatuate. Of this root, six forms occur 60 times in the Qur’an fatana 17 times futina six times; futun once; maftun once and fitnatun 34 times.
fitnatun [n.] 1 test (8:28) your possessions and your children are only a test 2 affliction, trial (22:11) but if a trial befalls him, he reverts to his old ways [lit. falls flat on his face, turns back to front] 3 persecution (2:191) and drive them out from where they drove you out, for persecution is more serious than killing 4 dissension, discord, civil unrest, infighting, mutiny (9:47) they would have scurried around in your midst, trying to sow discord among you 5 temptation, allurement (2:102) yet they [both] never taught anyone until they first said, ‘we are but a temptation-do not [fall for us and] reject the faith’ 6 treachery, defection, desertion (33:14) but if it [the city] had been entered from [all] its sides, with them in it, and they were asked to commit treachery, they would have committed it.”

Commento dell'Arabic-English Lexicon, di Edward William Lane:

In conculsione, dopo aver analizzato il significato della parola fitna, abusata dagli islamofobici, e i contenuti dei versetti, possiamo tranquillamente concludere che i versetti non promuovono in nessun modo l'uccisione di innocenti. Come dimostrato, i passaggi dimostrano che i Musulmani hanno il permesso di combattere coloro che perseguitano i musulmani...

In altre parole, l'autodifesa e' assolutamente concessa.